After your procedure, we will give you very comprehensive aftercare advice. However, if anything is not clear or you forget anything, please refer to this leaflet for guidance or contact us.
For the following 24 hours
No non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen
Avoid touching the areas treated; make up can be applied the next day
Avoid excessive alcohol
No excessive/aerobic exercise
No hot baths or hot tubs
For the first 4-6 hours avoid lying down as this can cause migration of the toxin
For the next 7 days
No facials/chemical skin peels or laser resurfacing
Avoid massaging the areas treated
Avoid sunbeds
Avoid wearing goggles/tight fitting motorbike helmets
To prolong the life of your treatment
Keep hydrated; drink at least 2 litres of fluid a day (remember “2 by 2” and anymore is a bonus!)
Avoid triggers that can cause premature ageing; always wear a sun protection factor, the sun breaks down the supportive structure of the skin which results in pigmentation and fine lines. Use a minimum of SPF 15 even in the winter as UV rays will still affect the skin.
Protect against free radical damage. These attack your collagen and elastin fibres that make up the structure of the skin. A daily dose of vitamins and antioxidant supplement will minimise this damage.
Avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking as these all dehydrate the skin and increase the free radical attacks
Keep your treatments going. At your two week review we will schedule your next treatment for 3 (min) to 6 (max) months’ time so that your treatment plan can be maintained rather than starting over again.
Should you experience any unexpected side effects or any that concern you, please contact the clinic. In the extremely rare occurrence of a severe allergic reaction, please seek medical attention immediately.
Jo Hunter Aesthetics
Tel: 07753 603690